We Would Love To Hear From You

Our aim is to make our customers happy! If you have questions or comments regarding one of our products or websites, feel free to get in touch with us!
Our experienced team is located in New Zealand and also in Germany. We can help in both countries. Whether you have an urgent request or just need some information regarding your trip or one of our packages, we support you in person, via email and phone.

You can contact any of our offices in Auckland, Zürich and Leipzig. If you want to visit us in person, please make an appointment.

You can phone and email us 24/7. Sometimes we might be busy, but we will get back in touch as soon as possible! Feel free to send us a message on WhatsApp, as this is often the easiest way to get answers quickly when needed!

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Auckland, Leipzig

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+64 22 0781351
+49 176 56849578

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Get in touch with our team

Our experienced team will help with any questions you might have concerning one of our products or your trip in general.
Andre Kollai: Company Director, lives in Auckland, New Zealand and Leipzig, Germany. Helps with any question concerning your Work & Travel experience as a backpacker as well as renting a campervan.

Mara Schneider: Assistant, permanently living in New Zealand. Was an Au Pair and can help you with any questions regarding that topic.

Julian Lea: Marketing Specialist / Designer, currently living in Zürich, Switzerland. Knows everything about New Zealand and can help you prepare your trip while still in Germany.

Lea Inselmann: Writer, living in Leipzig, Germany. Get in touch if you have feedback regarding our website and products or if you want to share an experience/memory.

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