About Us

Create a Moment Ltd. was founded back in 2014 to share and offer travel experiences for backpackers in New Zealand. Over the last few years we have expanded and partnered up with travel experienced people and companies around the world. Now we can offer you the best support with our high quality packages to make your trip to New Zealand and Australia unforgettable!

Our homepage is constantly expanding, offering you a wide range of packages to start your New Zealand and starting in 2020 your Australian adventure as well. Whether you want to explore either of these countries as a backpacker, as an Au Pair or just travel around with a campervan: We are here to support your trip planning and help you get started!

OUR Travel Experiences

Our whole team is very travel experienced and each individual has their very own special relationship with New Zealand and Australia.

“Create a Moment” founder André has lived in New Zealand for more than ten years – starting as a backpacker – and is now travelling back and forth between his home country Germany and his second home New Zealand. Our texter and assistant Mara has experienced both, Australia and New Zealand, as part of a Working Holiday adventure. Coming to New Zealand as an Au Pair in 2010 she instantly fell in love with the country and decided to stay. For marketing expert Julian, New Zealand was the first ever long-distance travel experience and he couldn’t get enough of the magnificent landscape and the friendly people. We all have been in your shoes once, dreaming of a big adventure. That’s why we know exactly how you feel right now. But unlike you, we already went through all the ups and downs and can help you with our knowledge and experience!

About Create a Moment Ltd.

Do you want to know how it all started? Learn more about our history!

Create A Moment Ltd. was established in 2014 with the idea of housing several different projects under one roof and to create lasting memories for our customers. Our main priority is to offer high quality products for reasonable prices.

The company’s founder André Kollai has been living in New Zealand since 2005 when he first arrived as a backpacker from Germany. After one year of Work & Travel with exciting jobs on strawberry orchards, in hostels and as a Wwoofer, he got a job offer with an energy company in Auckland that he couldn’t refuse – and decided to stay in New Zealand.

Apart from his mechanical engineering profession and working in the high voltage industry, André has developed a great interest in web design and business management. That, paired with his passion for travelling and working with people, led him to set up several projects in order to help backpackers from overseas experience the beauties of New Zealand and make their adventure as hassle-free and memorable as possible.

Work-Travel-Fun New Zealand and Backpackerworld New Zealand now offer a great range of products including starter packages for new arrivals to the country. André has also teamed up with a local car and campervan company in Auckland. Whether renting or buying a vehicle – our Camper Pre Sale offers backpackers the best prices in town and even includes a guaranteed Buy-Back-Option.

In 2014 André has also set foot in the Au Pair business. Work-Travel-Fun Au Pair is the first point of contact for anyone wanting to experience the real Kiwi way of life by living with a New Zealand host family and – in return for looking after the children and assisting with housework – receiving free board and accommodation and a weekly pocket money.

Currently André is developing new projects in the tourism and marketing sector for Australia. For the season 2020/21 we will provide new Starter Packages for Australia as well.

If you have any questions regarding Create A Moment Ltd. or any of the affiliated projects, please get in touch with us.

No Distance Is too Far

Explore New Zealand or Australia with a campervan, use inland flights to get around or explore the nature simply with your backpack and local transport. Learn more about your travel options on our site!

Camper sales




WE Got You Covered

pure nature

Explore the pure nature of New Zealand and Australia. We can tell you where the best spots and beaches are. Just get in touch.

lodges & Hostels

Where are the newest and cleanest places to stay? Just have a look on one of our websites to find out.

Epic journeys

One year, 3 months or even less time to travel? Our service section tells you which way to go, where and how to get a job and how to survive.

We connect you

We work together with a lot of other businesses down under. We always have the right connection for you.


Start your down under adventure

Ask for a discount when booking one of our products for the first time!